Performer information for Rise Show
Click here to download the following info info as a pdf
Dear Parents and Students
Our upper school show SHOWTIME 2024 – Rise, presented at The Memorial Court Theatre in Northwich, is getting close now – so we thought it would be useful to provide a few reminders about the final build-up as well as arrangements for the rehearsals and performances.
Theatre Rehearsals – Friday 19th January
As previously advised, our main theatre rehearsals will take place at the Theatre on Friday 19th January from 4pm to 9pm (which all students except Acro 2 and Acro 3 must attend) plus some additional slots on Saturday 20th November prior to the performance. Please note that this is NOT a dress rehearsal – so performers should arrive at the theatre ready in their regular dancewear with their shoes! Students should bring snacks and drinks with them for the evening.
Performers must come to the stage door to ensure that they are booked in and ready to start rehearsal promptly – we have a busy evening and will be doing our best to remain on schedule. For their safety, it is essential that all performers are checked in and out of the building, so they will not be allowed to enter or leave via any other door. The Stage Door will be manned continuously to facilitate this. Please return to collect performers from the Stage Door at the end of the rehearsal.
This is a closed rehearsal – so, apart from the production team (who will wear ID badges at all times) and performers, there will be strictly no access to the auditorium or backstage areas.
Saturday Rehearsals – Performers from Acro 2 and Acro 3 will have a rehearsal at 11am to 12pm on the Saturday, and should arrive at the stage door at 10:45 to check-in.
Performers for CYB will additionally rehearse at 12 – 1 and should arrive at the stage door at 11:45
Please note that all classes at Manor Lane Studios will run as usual on Saturday 20th – except for Musical Theatre 4, which will be at the theatre from 1pm.
There will be two performances of Rise at the Memorial Court Theatre in Northwich on Saturday 20th January… a matinee show at 3pm, and an evening show at 7pm. Doors will open for the audience at 2.15 pm and 6.15pm respectively. You are reminded that photography and video are not permitted in the auditorium.
Tickets are currently available online at
Performance day – Saturday 20th January
Arrival times for performers – Performers must be dropped off at the Stage Door at their allotted arrival time (see below). It is essential that all children are checked in and out of the building, so they must not enter or leave via any other door.
Costume – Main costumes will be ready and waiting at the theatre. Students must remember to bring the correct shoes / leotards / tights etc. Performers who need additional items will have been advised separately.
Makeup – Performers should arrive at the theatre on performance days with their stage makeup ready applied.
Hair – Performers should arrive with hair ready in a slicked back ponytail with a centre parting. Those who are only performing in ballet must have their ponytail raised into a bun.
Under layer – In cases where performers are in more than one dance requiring quick changes, they may feel more comfortable wearing a nude leotard as a base layer. This can be purchased via the LWSD online shop, Amazon or any dancewear retailer.
Call times – With a lot of performers to move into the building, we have staggered call times in order to maintain a flow, and to minimise queueing. Please ensure that performers arrive at the Stage Door at their call time, which can be found below. Most performers will remain at the theatre through to the second performance, so they should bring snacks and drinks with them for the day.
Call times for the Saturday show day are:
10:45 – Acro
11:45 – Cheshire Youth Ballet
13:00 – Performers from Year 10 and up
13:15 – Performers up to year 9
14:00 – Stage Door Closes
Once again, on performance day, stage door access is strictly limited to the production team and performers. No adult will be admitted via the Stage Door without a pass.
Following the first performance. we recommend that performers then remain at the theatre ready to re-set for the 7pm performance, which is expected to end at approximately 9pm. They should bring food and drink with them for the period.
Any student up to and including year 11 who does need to leave the theatre in between will need to be signed out by their parent or carer at the stage door and must return to the theatre by 6pm. Students in year 12 and up will be permitted to sign themselves out, but again must return to the theatre by 6pm. The stage door will close at 6.15
Pick-up arrangements after performances – After the evening performance, performers will be signed out at the stage door, from where they should be collected.
We are expecting the afternoon performance to finish at approximately 5.00pm, and the evening performance to finish around 9pm.
Additional info…
Parking / Stage Door – The main car park for the theatre is near to the entrance steps (on the opposite side of the building to the main road). Please note that the car park is managed by the local council, and that parking charges apply. When walking from the car park, the Stage Door is located at the right-hand corner of the theatre building and will be clearly marked.
Urgent contact – For urgent issues relating to performers on rehearsal and performance days only (such as lateness/absence or urgent messages to backstage), please contact our Stage Door Manager on 07579 795933. Please make a note of this number in case you need it on the day. Please do not call this number for general enquiries.
We’re looking forward to a great show!
Laura x